On Tuesday, November 23, 2021, at 2:00 p.m., the United States District Court for the District of Nebraska will hold a memorial ceremony at Hixson-Lied Auditorium on the Creighton University campus
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Please be advised that the chief judges of the United States District Court and the United States Bankruptcy Court have ordered the district and bankruptcy courts in Omaha and Lincoln to be closed
General Order No. 2021-08 IN RE: VIDEO TELECONFERENCING FOR CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS EXTENDED THROUGH DECEMBER 14, 2021, has been entered and posted on the court's website.
Due to continuing challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and related safety concerns, the Federal Practice Advanced Mediation Training scheduled for September 24-25 is being postponed until
The Werner Institute for Negotiation & Conflict Resolution and the Nebraska Federal Practice Committee are hosting Federal Practice Advanced Mediation Training on September 24-25, 2021, at the
The judges of the Eighth Circuit courts, including District of Nebraska Chief Judge Robert Rossiter, invite you to join them October 27-29, 2021 at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
General Order No. 2021-07 IN RE: POLICY ON USE OF FACE COVERINGS AND COURTHOUSE ENTRY DUE TO COVID-19, has been entered and posted on the court's website.
Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference
October 27 - 29, 2021
Colorado Springs, Colorado
General Order No. 2021-05 IN RE: VIDEO TELECONFERENCING FOR CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS EXTENDED THROUGH SEPTEMBER 19, 2021, has been entered and posted on the court's website.