Check Status
Ten days after completing the juror qualification questionnaire, do one of the following to check your service status (qualified/excused/postponed):
- Login to eJuror by clicking here and select Current Status; or
- Call the toll-free automated jury message system at 1-866-534-5317.
Enter your 9-digit participant number located on your summons.
Check Reporting Instructions
If qualified to serve, check your reporting instructions after 3:00 p.m. Central Time on the Friday before your jury service begins (or anytime over the weekend). Continue to check your reporting instructions every Friday after 3:00 p.m. or as it instructs. To receive your reporting instructions, do one of the following:
- Login to eJuror by clicking here and select Current Status; or
- Call the toll-free automated jury message system at 1-866-534-5317.
Enter your 9-digit participant number located on your summons.
If you are scheduled to appear, please check your reporting instructions again after 12:00 p.m. the day before you are scheduled to appear in the event there is a change. If there are no changes to the schedule, report as instructed. The court’s schedule occasionally changes at the last minute. Automated calls, texts, and emails are used to communicate changes or cancellations.
Please thoroughly read the information the court mailed you. See the Frequently Asked Questions on the court’s Juror web page for additional information.