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Frequently Asked Questions
1. Where can I find the clerk's office's mailing address?
Please address all U.S. mail to the Omaha courthouse. You will find the address on the Directory page.
2. Where can I find information about the court's judges and magistrate judges?
See our Judges' Information page.
3. What are the witness and mileage fees?
The witness fee is $40.00 per day. The mileage rate is $.655 per mile.
4. How do I get a certified copy of a document?
You may request a certified copy of a document by contacting the Lincoln or Omaha clerk's office. Contact information is on our Directory page. The cost for the certified document is $11.00 for the certification and $.50 for a copy of each page. Prepayment is required for certified copies. The request should include the case number, document number, and a check or money order.
5. Where can I get information regarding child support?
For information regarding child support, call the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services at (402) 471-3121.
6. What is the difference between the "file date" and the "entry date" on the docket sheet?
The "file date" is the date the pleading was filed with the clerk's office. The "entry date" is the date the pleading was entered on the docket.
7. Which federal holidays does the clerk's office observe?
See our Public page.
8. How do I prepare a bill of costs?
See our Bill of Costs Handbook. Also see Bill of Costs Form on our Forms page.
9. Where can I find information about the court's filing fees?
See our Fees page.
10. I am not admitted to practice in the District of Nebraska, but I need to make an appearance in a case. What are the requirements to appear?
To be admitted pro hac vice, review the Attorney Admission, Pro Hace Vice instructions. There is a $100.00 fee to be admitted pro hac vice. See NEGenR 1.7(f) for additional information.
To apply for full-time admission, review the Attorney Admission, Full Time instructions. There is a $181.00 fee for full-time admission. See NEGenR 1.7(d) for additional information.
11. I want to file a lawsuit but I don't have a lawyer. Can the clerk's office tell me what I need to do?
If you are a party proceeding without an attorney and need help with your case, please look at these resources. The court's local rules provide additional information. The clerk's office can provide the public only with general information about filing requirements. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 955, clerks and deputy clerks are prohibited from giving legal advice.