1. CM/ECF: Down for Scheduled Maintenance
The CM/ECF system will be down for maintenance on Sunday, October 24, 8:00 a.m. to noon to load Version 4.2. Once installed, PACER users will be charged $2.40 per digital audio file. Counsel of record still receives one free download. Attorneys are encouraged to download the audio file upon receipt to avoid future PACER fees.
2. Judicial Council Decisions
On October 22, 2010, the Judicial Council for the District of Nebraska made the following decisions:
a. Approved a proposal for mandatory inclusion in the presentence report in cases in which CJA counsel was appointed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3006A(f) and in any case where the presentence investigation may indicate funds are available, and ordered the clerk's office to create a special order event in CM/ECF that will be used when appointment orders are docketed pursuant to 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3006A(f).
b. Decided that the court will not support the creation of a separate reentry court program at this time.
c. Approved the Docket and Local Rules Committee recommended amendments to the local rules.
d. Approved a proposal to add specific "opt in" and "opt out" language in Rule 26(f) reports so counsel is not required to file a separate consent form.
3. The Federal Practice Committee will sponsor a continuing legal education seminar on January 7, 2011 on the electronic storage of information. Details will be forthcoming.
4. Opinion Pilots
More than 12 courts volunteered to participate in the AO's opinion pilot with the Government Printing Office (GPO). GPO has estimated this project will cost $250,000, which will be paid from its Federal Depository Library Program. However, GPO requires authorization from Congress' Joint Committee on Printing before it can proceed with a project this large. The Director plans to seek approval from CACM in December to expand the number of courts authorized to participate. If the request is approved, our court's implementation will begin in April 2011. See Director Duff's July 29 letter. Our court started uploading opinions to Courtweb on September 29, 2010. To access the opinions, go to http://courtweb.pamd.uscourts.gov/courtweb/QuickFind.aspx.
5. New Public Calendar
There is a new version of each judge's calendar available on the court's external Web site. It can be accessed by clicking on the Court Calendar link or at the following address: http://www.ned.uscourts.gov/ceo. The public can now view up to two weeks of court schedules directly from the site. The calendars are separated by judge and date. The court has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on the Court Calendar, but certain circumstances may prevent the timely entry of information into the calendar.
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If you have any questions about these matters, please contact the clerk's office, 402-661-7350 (Omaha) or 402-437-1900 (Lincoln).
Thank you,
United States District Court Clerk's Office