1. 2010 Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference.
The 2010 Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference will take place at the Marriott Minneapolis City Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 10-13, 2010. The conference is a joint meeting of the federal judges and the federal bar. Early reservations are encouraged. For reservation information, please call the circuit executive's office at 314-244-2600 or e-mail JudConf@ca8.uscourts.gov. The cut-off date for hotel reservations is July 16. Lawyers may also register on-line until July 20 at https://www.ce8.uscourts.gov/judconf2010/. The Circuit Judicial Conference Web site will post CLE hours and forms as they become available.
2. New Training Opportunity.
The court is pleased to announce a new training opportunity for experienced e-filers. The course, titled "Advanced Electronic Filing," will be offered twice a year at the courthouses in Omaha and Lincoln. The first sessions are May 26 and 27. The Advanced Electronic Filing course covers Adobe Acrobat skills such as reducing file size, creating bookmarks, and redaction; creating hyperlinks within filings; and CM/ECF skills such as civil case opening, filing sealed, restricted, and ex parte documents, and working with attachments. Registration is available on the court's Web site at http://www.ned.uscourts.gov/cmecf/training.html. If you have a group of 10 or more and a facility that allows for hands-on computer training, the court can arrange to send a trainer to your office. Call (402) 661-5998 or send a message to cmecfteach@ned.uscourts.gov. NOTE: Beginning CM/ECF filing training will no longer be offered at the courthouse. Interactive online tutorials for basic filing are available on the court's Web site at the link above.
3. Summary of Judicial Council Decisions.
The Judicial Council for the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska met April 30 and reached the following decisions:
- Approved the amendments to the Bankruptcy Court's Local Rules. The rules will now be forwarded to the Eighth Circuit for approval.
- Approved a clerk's office request to join pilot programs with CourtWeb (hosted by U.S. District Court for Pennsylvania Middle) and the Government Printing Office's Federal Digital System (FDsys). Both programs are designed to enhance public access to written opinions.
4. Changes to Electronic Public Access (EPA) Miscellaneous Fee Schedule.
At its March session, the Judicial Conference of the United States amended the EPA fee schedule to 1) waive fees of less than $10 in a quarterly billing cycle rather than in a year, and 2) establish a fee of $2.40 to access digital audio files. The change from yearly to quarterly waiver is effective immediately. The increased digital audio fee requires a CM/ECF modification, so the change will not take effect until later this year. Until then, the charge will continue to be $.08 per audio file.
5. Federal Practice Committee CLE.
The Federal Practice Committee will co-sponsor a continuing legal education seminar on July 9 at the UNL Law College. Topics will include discovery issues, work product privilege, and waiver under Federal Rule of Evidence 502. Additional information will be forthcoming.
6. CM/ECF: Menu Listing Report.
In response to feedback received at the last Attorney Forum, the court modified the Menu Listing Report on the Local Reports page in CM/ECF to include parentheticals showing the categories that users may select when linking documents. The parentheticals appear directly after the category titles.
7. CM/ECF: Down for Scheduled Maintenance.
CM/ECF system will be down for maintenance on Sunday, May 9, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The system will also be down Sunday, June 6, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
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Thank you,
United States District Court Clerk's Office