JULY 22-23, 2022
The Werner Institute for Negotiation & Conflict Resolution and the Nebraska Federal Practice Committee are hosting Federal Practice Advanced Mediation Training on July 22-23, 2022, at the Roman L. Hruska Federal Courthouse.
During this two-day in-person training, experienced mediators will lead interactive training covering the special nature of mediating litigated federal cases, effective mediator styles, understanding negotiations and psychological barriers to settlement, mediator techniques for assisting parties to reach settlement, ethical issues, and emerging best practices.
Participants who complete this training are eligible to be included on the court’s list of Approved Federal Mediators.
To view the program brochure and to register, please visit the following website:
In an effort to encourage participation, the Federal Practice Committee has agreed to grant at least one half reimbursement to up to twenty participants. The reimbursements will be given to the first twenty members of the District of Nebraska Federal Bar who apply.
Please apply for a reimbursement by emailing your request to Administrative Specialist, Marissa Ortiz (
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